HTS Eat to Heal Spring 2025 Simply Raw Series - March 11 - May 13, 2025

Mozell P. Scovil, NS
HEALThyself CEO and Coach
Mozell P. Scovil is a retired educator who holds BS & MA degrees in Biology, Chemistry pre-med and Liberal Arts. She served as Science Director for Detroit Public Schools for 5 years and Science Consultant for the State of Michigan for 16 years. She now coordinates healthy eating seminars in the Detroit area. Mozell is an author of several science books and two health books; Fun Raw Foods for Kids and Adults. She is also the founder and CEO of HEALthyself Detroit and heads the Healthyself Herb Garden Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church.

Dr. Sheila Forte-Isaacs, DC
Dr. Sheila Forte-Isaacs has
been a Chiropractor for over
20 years, and have been in the
medical field over 40 years.
She transitioned from being a
Licensed Vocational Nurse to
a Chiropractor.​

Bertha L. Rance
Bertha Rance is a native of Mississippi for over 50 years. She's a proud mother of five beautiful children and a host of grandchildren and great grandchildren. Some of her favorite hobbies are quilting, traveling , and enjoying quality time with her family and gardening. She has been a member of the pokena club , a 4-H leader in which she was in that role for almost 10 years. She retired from Jackson Public Schools in 2014 and now spends time with family and traveling.

Coach TBD

Linda Burks, RN

Nettie Riddick, MSN, RN

Nettie Riddick, MSN, RN, has been a nurse for more than 45 years. My nursing specialty is Medical-surgical Neuroscience. I am currently retired after 47 years Medical-Surgical Neuroscience nurse. Presently most time spent working with various professional
nursing organizations and volunteering with community health preventive measures.
Linda Burks, RN has been a nurse for 30+ years. She retired from her nursing supervision position. Linda is currently working as adjunct nursing educator for licensed practical nurses and registered nurse students.


Bonita Clark-Murphy
Book Reviewer
Bonita Clark-Murphy is a former Lansing, Michigan resident who now resides in Round Rock, Texas. She is the mother of two adult children and four grandchildren who are her heartbeat!
Bonita is a graduate of Michigan State University and currently works on a specialty team as a Senior Grad Advisor for a non-profit, online school based in Florida.
Anyone who knows Bonita knows that she loves to cook. She refers to herself as a “foodie” who enjoys trying out new recipes for her family and friends. Bonita has been interested in nutritious and healthy eating for nearly twenty years. She understands first-hand that we are what we eat and how our food choices affect how we feel, look and think. Bonita has a huge collection of not only cookbooks, but recipe books which she occasionally lends out to her family for ideas on the condition that they must give them back! Her favorites are by David Wolf, Brigitte Mars and Alissa Cohen. Everything by the Botenko family is also on her favorites list.
Bonita has a true zest for learning and was first brought into the healthy food movement by her friend, Mozell Scovill. Mozell brought a Health Ministry to her former church which she was active in and which sparked her long-term interest in healthy eating.
October 10th will be her second time attending HEALTHYSELFDETROIT’s Health Workshop. Shis is looking forward to gaining even more knowledge and information that she can continue to share with those that she loves. Her three youngest grandkids are very curious about this adventure of eating raw food beyond a green salad, but they sure love her green smoothies!

LaTasha Estus Certified Fitness Instructor
Rhonda Robertson is a retired law enforcement manager with the MI Dept. of Corrections and present day owner of Crochet Rhonda's Way, where she utilizes her creative talents to craft custom made crochet hats and specialty items. Rhonda holds a B.S. degree in Organizational Management. She has two sons and one grandson.
Rhonda was introduced to the HealThyself Detroit Community in 2017 and is excited about being on board to assist with the Spring 2023 Eat to Heal series.

Katrina M. Faison. B.S., C.M.A.
Administrative/Tech Assistant
Katrina M. Faison is a Detroit Native, the oldest of 15, married and the mother of 4 children, and grandmother of 14. She is a graduate of Mumford High School and has a Bachelor's of Science in Biology with a minor in Chemistry from Marygrove College. She is also a Certified Medical Assistant and Phlebotomist, where she worked for 7 years at Henry Ford Hospital in the Internal Medicine Department. She currently works as an Analyst at BCBSM in the IBU- Senior Health Services Dept. Katrina Volunteers twice a year as the Administrative/Tech Assistant for HEALthyself. Katrina's mission is to make a mark in a man's life that can never ever be erased!

Pamela Williford
HTS Team/Back-up Reviewer
Pamela Williford has a great testimony of being a Stroke Survivor, and has a God given mission to help others. She met the CEO of HEALthyself while working out at the gym, and after talking to her about the program, she was all in. The words that she heard spoken was confirmation of what God had already put in her heart to do, which was to help others. Pamela made it her mission to help HEALthyself anyway that she could, because she is a servant spirit. Pamela has a business background and retired from General Motors Corporation on the Market Research and Product Planning Staff, working in the Personnel, Budget and Finance Department. She was also an Administrator of a Christian School. She currently runs two businesses, a Staffing company and a Direct Sales company. She joined the HEALthyself 2022 Fall Sessions as a Participant, and successfully completed all 8 Sessions. She earned a “Certificate of Participation” for completing 2-7 Sessions and 3rd place “Coaches Choice” award. Pamela accepted the challenge to join our HTS 2023 Spring Sessions as one of our two new Video Reviewers, which she will be reviewing during Sessions 6-9.

Louis L. Forte
HTS Team/Back-up Reviewer
Louis Forte is a retired business owner and
general contractor for over 50 years. He is a public speaker, mentor, and author of
"Marriage: God's Love Affair vs Arrangement". Mr. Forte's interest in holistic medicine and naturopathy was birthed from receiving a diagnosis of diabetes 40 years ago. After years of unsuccessful results from conventional medical treatments, Mr. Forte decided to take matters into his own hands
and learned how to heal his body naturally. He is a lifelong learner of holistic and naturopath health practices. He is self-taught and has found numerous breakthroughs in his health as a result of these practices. At the young age of 81 years, he is still very active, playing various sports, and faithfully jogs over a mile
every day.
He now resides with his wife on a small farm where they grow their produce and raise chickens. He is passionate about helping
others achieve wellness through spiritual, physical, and mental health practices. Mr. Forte has always been a positive influence in his community, and he is always ready to
share a word of encouragement with anyone in need.